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Saturday, November 14, 2009


Nature of the disease
Avian malaria is caused by parasites of the Plasmodium genus. The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes.

SPC List D

Susceptible species
Some 65 Plasmodiun sp. have been isolated from over 1,000 different species of birds. Few of the Plasmodium sp. which have been identified appear to be natural parasites of domestic poultry. A number of other species of Plasmodia, that occur primarily in passerine birds, can infect or have been experimentally transmitted to the domestic fowl

Plasmodium spp. pathogenic for domestic poultry are found mainly in Africa, Asia and South America. It has been recently identified in American Samoa.

Clinical signs 
Avian malaria produces a wide range of effects in avian hosts, from no apparent clinical signs to severe anaemia and death. Pl. gallinaceum, Pl. juxtanucleare and Pl. durae appear to be the most dangerous for poultry, producing up to 90% mortality.

Post-mortem findings
Intense and severe anaemia is the main finding. The associated tissue hypoxia can produce tissue necrosis. Hypertrophy of the spleen and the liver.


Protein Purification is a popular protein science service offered by Blue Sky Biotech.
Other protein science services included but are not limited to the following:
  • FPLC: IEC, IMA, SEC, AC, Buffer-exchange, etc.
  • Microsome preparation
  • Tissue/organ extraction and purification
  • Antibody purification
  • Development of multi-step protocols
  • Activity validation (where applicable)
  • QC supported by MASS Spec service
  • QC by Western Blot and SDS PAGE
Purified recombinant protein is indispensable for drug discovery.  In the early stages of drug discovery, recombinant protein is used for target validation, enzyme characterization, high-throughput screening (HTS), and structural study.  In order to understand a disease target, pharmaceutical scientists must study its interaction with substrates.  For this purpose, researchers need active protein free of impurities which could interfere with their study of its mechanism.  Purity and activity of the recombinant protein are essential:  a pure, active enzyme gives a clean signal and reproducible results.
Blue Sky employees have worked in the Protein Science department of a major pharmaceutical company.  This group and others like it serve almost as "core facilities" in that they provide made-to-order proteins for enzyme characterization, structural study, and HTS.  Our experience in this environment gives us a unique understanding of the requirements for quality, purity, and activity of recombinant proteins. Customers of Blue Sky may rest assured that all purified proteins provided by this firm will meet the most exacting standards.
Protein expression, purification, and characterization are very precise, difficult disciplines.  We at Blue Sky have the expertise to generate the high-quality protein reagents which you need.  

Thursday, November 12, 2009



I.          Apa yg harus dilakukan sebelum pemberian anestesi ?
II.         Anestesi apa yg akan diberikan ?
III.        Apa saja yg perlu dipertimbangkan dlm memilih anestesi ?

 #  Anamnesa
-        Sejarah system cardiopulmonary, hati, ginjal
-        Toleransi thd latihan
-        Derajat aktivitas fisik
-        Keletihan, dispnea, batuk, cyanosis, vol. urin, kemampuan minum, nafsu makan, defikasi
-        Pengalaman pasien thd anestesi penggunaan obat tertentu (organofosfat, antibiotika, kortikosteroid)
  #  Pemeriksaan fisik
-        denyut jantung & ritme jantung
-        frekuensi, ritme & kedalaman respirasi
-        pulsus, suhu tubuh, warna mukosa,
-        CRT, refleks pupil, refleks & ketegangan otot

 #  Uji laboratorium
-        total erytrosit, total leukosit
-        Hb, PCV
-        Urinalisis


The lymphatic system is a drainage system that removes lymph from the bloodstream. Lymph vessels contain valves and converge into two large main trunks, the thoracic duct and the right lymph duct. The vessels are not very visible, but the lymph nodes (or ganglia), which filter all of the lymph from one area, can easily be detected. There is a relatively large number of lymph nodes. Some are superficial and can be felt, others are deep (in the large cavities of the body) and are visible only with X-rays or ultrasound. Hypertrophy of the lymph nodes usually indicates inflammation in the drainage area, which is why it is important to palpate them during a clinical examination. The lymph nodes are also a preferred site where cancerous cells pass from one organ to another. This is why the ganglia are removed at the same time as tumors, in order to limit the spread of the disease.